Think News Online

5 days ago2 min

BREAKING NEWS: Sammy Gyamfi sues Asaase Radio and ABC News for defamation, demands GH¢10 Million in damages

News coming indicates that the National Communications Officer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Sammy Gyamfi has filed a defamation lawsuit against Asaase Broadcasting Company Ltd, ABC News, and their respective journalists, Wilberforce Asare and Michael Afriyie.

The suit, lodged at the High Court of Justice in Accra, seeks damages amounting to GH¢10 million.

Gyamfi's legal action stems from an online news story published on June 30, 2024, by the defendants.

The story, which appeared on the websites and social media platforms of Asaase Radio and ABC News, alleged that Gyamfi had embezzled party funds to finance a lavish two-week stay at the Betsy Hotel in Miami, Florida, costing US$3,000 per night.

Details of the Defamation Allegations

The defamatory article claimed that Gyamfi used funds intended for the NDC's communications outfit to cover the expenses of his extravagant trip.

It also alleged that Gyamfi's actions had sparked outrage among NDC members, who accused him of hijacking party monies and indulging in a "vulgar display of opulence" at the expense of the party's campaign efforts.

Gyamfi's Response

In his statement of claim, Gyamfi categorically denied ever staying at the Betsy Hotel or misappropriating party funds for personal use.

He asserted that the allegations were false, malicious, and intended to damage his reputation within the NDC and among the Ghanaian public.

Sammy Gyamfi's suit details his extensive background as a legal practitioner and a prominent figure within the NDC, highlighting his contributions and the trust placed in him by party members and the public.

He argues that the defamatory publication has caused significant harm to his reputation, subjecting him to public ridicule and damaging his professional and personal relationships.

Reliefs Sought

Gyamfi is seeking the following reliefs from the court:

1. A declaration that the story published by the defendants is defamatory.

2. A retraction and unqualified apology to be issued by each defendant on the same platforms where the defamatory statements were published.

3. A front-page retraction and apology in the Daily Graphic newspaper for three consecutive days.

4. A perpetual injunction restraining the defendants from making any further defamatory statements about Gyamfi.

5. General damages for defamation.

6. Exemplary damagesamounting to GH¢10 million.

7. Costs inclusive of counsel's fees

Impact of the Publications

Gyamfi emphasized that the false allegations have led to numerous inquiries from party members, colleagues, and the public, causing him significant distress and embarrassment.

He contends that the defendants acted with malice, publishing the story without verifying its accuracy and with the intent of damaging his reputation.

Plaintiff's Legal Representation

The suit, filed by Susteri Attorneys PRUC, asserts that the defendants' actions were not only defamatory but also grossly negligent.

The legal team maintains that any serious journalistic inquiry would have revealed the baseless nature of the claims against Gyamfi.

As the case progresses, it will be closely watched by political and media circles alike, given its implications for journalistic standards and the protection of public figures against defamation.

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith
