President Akufo-Addo says his government will ensure that the COVID-19 vaccines to be deployed across the country are effective and are safe.
According to President Akufo-Addo, Ghana will not be left behind in having access to the vaccines despite the anxieties relating to the safety and efficacy of newly-developed vaccines.
In his 20th address to the nation on measures put in place against covid-19, President Akufo-Addo said "The government will ensure that the COVID-19 vaccines to be deployed in the country are effective and are safe. To this end, I have put together a team of experts, from the relevant institutions and agencies, who are working assiduously towards the procurement and deployment of vaccines in Ghana"
He also added that the recent news of emergency approvals of COVID-19 vaccines, by the Food and Drugs Administration of the United States of America, and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency of the United Kingdom will provide considerable optimism and hope for the world in its battle to defeat the pandemic.
Touching on Christmas festivities, President Akufo-Addo urged the populace to practice good personal hygiene and err on the side of caution and observe the COVID-19 safety protocols.
"The dynamics of the virus have taught us that, if you must host or attend such events, they are best held safely outdoors or in very well-ventilated halls, rather than in closed, air-conditioned spaces. Even when organized outdoors, there must be adequate spacing for the maintenance of social distancing. Organizers of such events, public or private, should ensure the presence of ‘Veronica’ buckets, soap, and sanitizers, and must insist that patrons use them as frequently as possible" he explained
President Akufo however entreated the populace with underlying ailments, such as hypertension, diabetes, chronic liver disease, and asthma to pay particular attention to their health during the festive season.
"It is important to stress that our borders, by land and sea, will remain closed to human traffic until further notice. Beaches, pubs, cinemas, and nightclubs remain closed until further notice. All other institutions that have been cleared to function are to continue to do so in strict adherence to the COVID-19 protocols. So, my fellow Ghanaians, I make this plea to all of you to ensure compliance with the enhanced hygiene and mask-wearing protocols that have become part of our daily routines" he noted.
Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith