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COVID-19 Vaccines: Is Gov't Getting Quality For Its Money Or Must It Take A Second Look At Pricing?

Think News Online

In fact, the race of every nation to find the best medium to subdue the deadly COVID-19 virus from causing further harm to citizens has been intensified over the past couple of months.

A good sign that governments are really on their toes to face what seems to be a losing fight against the virus, as nations continue to see the crippling effect.

Scientists are working hard to bring out vaccines to fight the already known variants out there, but, this microscopic organism evolves vigorously into another form just to continue to do more damage to humanity. What’s our sin?

Therefore, it can be safe to say humanity is confused and seems the virus is winning.

Governments can’t declare victory yet because there’s nothing to boast of when it comes to the fight against COVID-19, maybe humanities persistence is leading to further resistance from the virus.

Aside from the vaccines roll out, locking citizens down to prevent gathering and mass movement has helped to a certain extent but economic fortunes are being affected in the long run, another headache.

Being head of state in this period is actually like arriving at the slaughterhouse and begging for mercy, voters want to be fed with the good news of victory in the midst of this chaotic situation, in simple terms; COVID-19 has been defeated, but will that ever happen?

Aside from the lockdown, vaccination has become the frequently used word and most countries are either developing their vaccines for citizens or buying from nations that have the muscles to develop and deliver on time.

Ghana has started receiving its batches of COVID-19 vaccines, and the government has promised citizens of safety, and the determination for at least over 20 million people to be vaccinated before 2021 finally bids goodbye to us forever.

Which is a good step by the government as the disease continues to change shape after a year of causing pure agony to humanity.

Many will argue that Africa hasn’t felt the real impact of the virus yet, but isn’t prevention better than cure?

If you asked anyone this question, the answer will obviously be a Yes.

The effort being made by the Ghana government needs to be applauded, so far the first batch has arrived, and many tabloids have reported the arrival of the new batch.

The President and other prominent personalities have been seen on our screens taken the shot to inspire citizens to go out there to do the same when the time comes.

But another question that would be asked often in relation to the vaccines that are being purchased by the government mostly points to whether the right vaccines are being delivered at the right price.

Stand to be corrected; an inner source whispered the other day that, the normal price on the market range between $10 per dose for the Sputnik V.

However, the source states that, the same Sputnik V is being sold to government for $44 per dose.

With Sheik Umar Farooq (A name provided by the source) said to be led negotiator for the deal.

As to the truth to this, one is left in the dilemma, only time can tell.

However, who is Sheikh Umar Farooq? is he the same international fraudster who continues to scam his way to the top in Ghana and Africa now?

Is the same guy whose name popped up some years back with Ministry of Power in Ghana with the controversial Ameri Deal with regards to an inflated price on a power deal?

If you do a quick google search on Sheikh Umar Farooq “Fraud” 100 of articles will show up on his organized fraud activities in Pakistan, Norway, Turkey and many other African countries.

He was once wanted by the Interpol now by many other security agencies, wanted for kidnapping even his own twin daughters from Pakistan.

He is now a partner/ special advisor to Sheikh Ahmed Bin Dalmook Juma Al Maktoum.

The question is why Ghanaian Government is not putting a stop on Farooq?

Maybe the business people will have more to say on the price variations with one sight on profit for whoever negotiated the deal but you can’t also, blame the government because “maybe” the needed research has not been done before ordering the purchase.

That leads to the question of who is throwing dust in the eyes of the government, should the government take a second look at the pricing of the doses of vaccines purchase, is the government getting the right vaccines for the money spent?

Credit: Abdul Aziz Mohammed, Columnist

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