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Ghana CSOs & Citizenry Joins Fight Against LGBTQI In Ghana

Think News Online

The Leadership of Ghana CSOs and Citizenry have added their voice to fight against the legalization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI) in Ghana.

According to the Organisation, Ghana will not avail itself to any unacceptable lifestyle from the western world.

In a statement sighted by ThinkNews Online, convenor of the group, Nelson Richardson-Mandela said "Ghana’s culture is not western culture but eastern or oriental or more aligned to that of Israel, for example. The West is not to impose their culture on us as prompted by Colossians 2:8. They are bringing their culture based on their philosophy but we in Ghana and Africa and are basing on the Bible and Quran Over the years, the Western world has been making efforts to use bodies like the European Union, UNFPA, UNESCO, and Australian Embassy among others to unduly harass Africa and African Leaders to forcefully accept Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI) onto the continent"

It added that showing sensitivity to the sovereign will of the people of Ghana, successive governments have indicated their unwillingness to legalize this ungodly and unnatural and intentional advocacy and practice called LGBTQI in Ghana.

"Without recourse to this position of our people and government, the declaration by the US President to sanction countries that refuse to legalize LGBTQI has given hope to this group of unnatural carnal sexual practitioners to raise funds and commission an office in Accra in February 2021, to practice and promote the unnatural (LGBTQI) According to Rom 1: 18 - 27" it explained.

The Convenor added that if politicians and leaders accept it, they will be putting the nation under a curse.

He said "And those that indulge in it are foolish. Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed because of homosexuality Gen 3: 20 The laws of Ghana, cultural beliefs of Ghanaians and core values upheld by our society abhor what the LGBQTI upholds. In other words, Europeans must respect themselves and respect Ghanaians by limiting their homosexual practice to their geographical space and not subtly conniving with leadership with the support of some powerful funding institutions to impose it on Ghana"

"We the members of the Ghana CSOs &Citizenry Against LGBTQI (GCCAL totaling over 80CSOs and likeminded Citizenry in all 16 Regions on 24th February 2021 join the recent public discourse on the acceptance or criminalization of the strange phenomena by a group calling themselves LGBTQI community" the statement mentioned.

The Organisation says it is calling on the Judiciary to prosecute all who indulge in acts of homosexuality in Ghana according to our current laws.

Below is a copy of the release:


Introduction Good day to you ladies and gentlemen of the press. Under section 104(2) of Act 29, unnatural carnal knowledge is defined as sexual intercourse with a person in an unnatural manner or, with an animal. In this context, the absence of the meaning of having sex with a person in an “unnatural manner” leaves room for judicial interpretation of the offense.

In the case of Banousin v The Republic (2015) above, Dotse JSC interpreted carnal knowledge as “It is the female sex organs called the vulva and the vagina that are normally penetrated into during sexual activity which can qualify to be carnal knowledge under section 98 and 99 of Act 29.”

Ghana is a predominantly Christian and Muslim nation and the majority of Ghanaians believe in the Bible and Quran respectively. God has created everything in pairs each endowed with physical and psychological characteristics to complement and complete each other. The Quran (4:1) indicates that human beings have been created from one living entity (nafs), which represents the origin of both the male and the female.

The “mating” or “spousing” of male and female sexes is original in human nature, and out of this instinctive relationship the human race develops, continues, and spreads. Between the two sexes, a gravitating combination of love, tenderness, and care is engendered so that each finds in the other completeness, tranquility, and support (Quran 30:21). Having children and loving them represent another fulfillment of human nature (Quran 42:49-50).

It is through this spousal complementation and completion, according to the Quran (7:189), that each spouse achieves comfort and enjoys peace of mind, satisfaction, and fulfillment. These relationships extend beyond physical and sexual contact to psychological and spiritual fulfillment. The blessings of this completeness are not ended by their accomplishment, but they continue and develop through bringing forth children, raising them, and providing the whole family with material, emotional, psychological, and moral needs.

According to Holy Bible Acts 17: 26 God has determined the boundaries of our habitation which goes with our culture and practices as passed on from our fathers. According to the Holy Quran, “We also sent Lut : He said to his people: “Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.

”(Quran 7:80-81) “What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk.” (Quran 26:165) Lut is referred to as “Lot” in the Hebrew Scriptures. This passage is an apparent reference to the activities at Sodom and Gomorrah, whose consequences are known to everybody. They can be improved but not removed as per Prov 22 28. Ghana’s culture is not western culture but eastern or oriental or more aligned to that of Israel, for example.

The West is not to impose their culture on us as prompted by Colossians 2:8. They are bringing their culture based on their philosophy but we in Ghana and Africa and are basing on the Bible and Quran Over the years, the Western world has been making efforts to use bodies like the European Union, UNFPA, UNESCO, and Australian Embassy among others to unduly harass Africa and African Leaders to forcefully accept Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI) onto the continent.

Showing sensitivity to the sovereign will of the people of Ghana, successive governments have indicated their unwillingness to legalize this ungodly and unnatural and intentional advocacy and practice called LGBTQI in Ghana.

Without recourse to this position of our people and government, the declaration by the US President to sanction countries that refuse to legalize LGBTQI has given hope to this group of unnatural carnal sexual practitioners to raise funds and commission an office in Accra in February 2021, to practice and promote the unnatural (LGBTQI) According to Rom 1: 18 - 27.

If the politicians and leaders accept it, they put the nation under a curse. And those that indulge in it are foolish. Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed because of homosexuality Gen 3: 20

The laws of Ghana, cultural beliefs of Ghanaians, and core values upheld by our society abhor what the LGBQTI upholds. In other words, Europeans must respect themselves and respect Ghanaians by limiting their homosexual practice to their geographical space and not subtly conniving with leadership with the support of some powerful funding institutions to impose it on Ghana.

It does not work like that and we dare say, it will not work in the Name of the Almighty God. We will defend the Bible's position on the subject as well as, African and Ghanaian cultural rights.

We the members of the Ghana CSOs &Citizenry Against LGBTQI (GCCAL totaling over 80CSOs and likeminded Citizenry in all 16 Regions on 24 February 2021 join the recent public discourse on the acceptance or criminalization of the strange phenomena by a group calling themselves LGBTQI community. We have therefore made the following observations:

1) That the traditions and culture of the Ghanaian people frown upon homosexuality or LGBTQI but some leaders have been mute or reluctant in publicly condemning these uncultured and unacceptable behaviors being introduced into our society.

2) That Ghana is a religious country with both Christianity and Islamic scriptures speaking against homosexuality and LGBTQI

3) That the African continent has different priorities from Europe and America, and homosexuality or LGBTQI is definitely not part of our priorities.

4) The west must respect Ghanaians by limiting their homosexual practice to their geographical space only

5) They must know that Ghanaians and Africans are entitled to cultural rights. Recommendations: From the observations above, we are making the following recommendations to the state, religious leaders, traditional leaders, private sector, the general public as well as other civil society organizations.

1) The judiciary should speed up the prosecution of all those who indulge in acts of homosexuality in Ghana according to our current laws.

2) The legislature should fasten the process of enacting more laws that further criminalize LGBTQI promotion and practice in Ghana.

3) The President should treat this matter as a national security concern and issue an executive order or state government’s position on homosexuality and LGBTQI in Ghana within the next week.

4) We call on the national house of Chiefs, Christian Council, as well as Moslem Council to issue a joint statement to vehemently reject the canker of LGBTQI in our society and continuously sensitize their congregations or followers on the bad effects LGBTQI will have on Ghanaians if we allow such satanic acts in our communities.

5) The private sector should not use part of their profit to sponsor activities that promote homosexuality and LGBTQI in Ghana.

6) We entreat civil society organizations to be vigilant and desist from accepting donor funding that seeks to facilitate campaigns for homosexuality and LGBTQI in Ghana.

7) The general public must be the eyes and ears of the law enforcement agencies and quickly report suspected cases of homosexuality and LGBTQI in Ghana especially, in all schools.

In conclusion, we want to state emphatically that homosexuality and LGBTQI is not scientific, not religious, and do not have a place in our Ghanaian society. It is a carefully calculated attempt by some group of people to propagate acts of immorality in society.

Let’s rise up to refuse this inhuman imposition on us. God bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith


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