President Akufo-Addo has revealed that he is passionate about the education of every child in Ghana.
According to him, education opens doors.
Speaking at the 2021 State of the Nation Address in Parliament on Tuesday, he said "I am passionate about the education of every child in Ghana because education opens doors. That is why one of my biggest concerns during this pandemic has been to safeguard the education of our children. All over the world, governments were forced to close down schools as we did."
He added that his government took steps to ensure that the education of the children was not transacted.
President Akufo further hinted that despite the worrying covid-19 challenges, last year, his government took bold and responsible decisions that made it possible for JHS 3 and SHS 3 students to take their final exams while final year university students graduated.
"Currently, all our children from kindergarten to university are in school studying in conditions of safety. This has taken place despite the outcry and opposition of some. I am required to provide leadership and that is what I am doing" he stressed.
President Akufo-Addo also explained that the government through the Ministries of Education and Health is doing all it can to ensure that the future of the children are not jeopardized by the pandemic.
"In 2020, the first batch of Free SHS wrote their WASSCE successfully. The results of the 2020 WASSCE indicate that more than 60% of the candidates who sat the examination obtained A1 - C6 in all core subjects. This was an impressive WASSCE performance with over 60% of candidates scoring A1 - C6 in their best subjects including English Language and Mathematics which qualifies them for Tertiary. Mr. Speaker, 64 years after Independence, we still do not have the critical mass of education graduates, that is required for our socio and transformational development" he noted.
President Akufo-Addo however hinted that although Ghana's growth in Tertiary enrollment ratio stands at 18.8% which is low, it still one of the highest in Africa.
He hinted that he will ensure the target increases from a ratio from 18.8% to 40%.
Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith