If people who retire on their salaries, are not secured and need $5,000,000 to secure their future, why blame the police officer collecting red notes to take care of his present state?
When the LAW, read from the book of Hosea 8:7 with caution, do not sow the wind lest you reap the whirlwind, they thought the whirlwind will be bigger and better. Now see the size of the first whirlwind.
In many games, sparring partners are needed, I never knew it was also in the law profession. Some judges prefer a sparring lawyer, and can even advise clients where they can get one for them.
Whether it went HOME, or to ROME, some 1:0 scoreline can be more painful than 7:0 or 9:0 combined !!!
Yesterday, Lawyer Amaliba came, today Lawyer, Ayeni will come, tomorrow lawyer Annan might be next. GLC you see how your come is making someone CUM and shouting Abooozigi?
Growing up, I heard quotes like; if God picks a stone, he doesn't throw it quickly. This new God looks either angry or has established a fast-track court.
In these days of technology, don't be in a hurry to defend yourself, wait until the person says the tape is 20 minutes or an hour, that is the calm posture you need to refresh on what you discussed.
Hearts 1:1 Liberty, some drawn matches can be celebrated when you are certain the league is almost over, but not when a lawyer is being begged to withdraw his defense for a win-win settlement behind the scenes.
If on Thursday you can defend everything from archeology to zoology on a particular morning show, and can not defend same on Friday good morning Ghana or on Saturday news file, then Uncle, age is either catching up, or the job is falling inside water !!!
Presenting your title or cup to Nana Addo can be risky for your next match or bout. It has affected a football team, a musician, a boxer, a wrestler, and now a judge.
If you make some people local champions in Ghana, the international courts will expose you. It took self-made women to go to the international court of the sea and came back with pride, yet they haven't called themselves champions, they have remained humble.
Anass Aremeyaw Anass started with yam and goats investigation, and now see the level of an upgrade? The practitioners themselves have converted it to foreign exchange.
Have you given up on Ghana? Please don't !!! There are better days ahead.
Credit: Godwin Ako Gunn, Deputy Communications Director, NDC
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