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Price Control Rejection By NPP As Expected, And Position Of Adongo And Other Supposed NDC Socialists

Think News Online

As a socialist who understands that socialism is also called planned economy I believe in price control as an economic policy which prevents monopoly, Hoarding, Pricing irregularities and which bridges the gap between the rich and the poor.

Price control policy is the only way to allow the rich, the middle class and the poor access to the *Same prices* of good and services.

Government is a *REGULATOR* and as a regulator and an institution that must champion the well being of the poor, vulnerable and the weak, government is expected to make sure citizens can afford good and services at an *agreed prices*, so that there can a uniformed pricing and stability in as far as demand and supply is concerned

Without price control supplies who profit target business men and women can price good and services at their own interest and will.

It is lack of price control that is hyping our Ghana's inflation. Prices of goods and services will keep increase dialy and soon basic necessities can be afforded by the rich.

Naturally the suppliers will look at higher prices for their supplies, since they are after profit.

In situation when they have monopoly power or when there is high demand for their supplies, they will even ruthless and we will hear outrageous prices.

It is lack of price control that is why the price of bread is being sold by shop A is different from what is in shop B.

Lack of price control will lead to Hoarding of goods and services, waiting for a purchase by those who afford at the desired price of the supplier.

Hon Adongo should be educated that, the reason for the failure to implement the price control policy during the AFRC and the PNDC and NDC under Rawlings is because, no one negotiates better under duress.

Of course not amid threats on their life, family members and their business.

In this modern day democratic dispensation, instituting price control mechanism, will not fail like Hon Adongo is alledging.

Government should be encouraged to subsidize alot of things, by removing some taxes on imports and some domestic goods and services which are for essential consumption and services so that they can be part of the price decision of those goods and services in the interest of the poor and the majority.

After subsidizing then as a regulator, government can monitor and make sure that prices agreed on are what is in the market.

Any supposed socialist who says they are economists who doesn't, see the effect of free for all market economy especially in struggling times in Ghana is another wonder of the world.

Credit: Osei Kofi Acquah, National Youth Organizer, CPP

NB: Views shared are solely that the author and not of can not be sued for any contempt views.


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