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RELATIONSHIP: 15 Reasons Why Every Girl Needs A Guy Bestfriend

Think News Online

Best friends are those special people whom you run to in happiness as well as sadness. They’re the people you would love to share your memorable moments with; they’re practically family.

But nothing beats being a girl who has a guy best friend. In my opinion, every girl needs one!

Here are the reasons why:

1. No matter what you do, he will always have your back. Whether you just need emotional support or physical backup in any situation, you know that the rescue is only a phone call away.

2. No one, and I mean NO ONE could ever tolerate listening to your pointless drama over and over and over again except him.

3. No one could give you sound advice about anything and everything like him. He is your tender pat on the back (actually this could depend on the size of his hands) and your voice of reason.

4. He will do just about anything to make you laugh when you’re feeling down.

5. No one could understand your fears (especially your commitment fears) but him. No one can comfort you as he does. He also gets to be your wingman, and help you approach the guy you like.

6. You get to have really long, weird, and meaningless conversations. Your chats have to be private, though, because if anyone overheard you, they’ll think you both belong in the madhouse.

7. The inside jokes could be shared with anyone, but those dirty inside jokes that no one will ever get are just yours to share with your guy best friend.

8. The spontaneous trips you take; getting into the car and just driving to the unknown while singing together at the top of your lungs even though you both have the most catastrophic voices ever.

9. You get to be all lady-like and a tomboy when you’re together. You can be totally your insane self without fearing being judged; he is never going to judge you.

10. His stuff are basically yours, especially those winter sweatshirts and jumpers that you have practically owned a couple of winters ago. And the hats too.

11. Your close friendship makes everyone jealous: his exes, your exes, and sometimes even your siblings. Sometimes, his sister or your brother maybe your worst nightmares!! 12. He believes in you no matter what and he manages to bring out the best in you.

13. He is your mentor, your tutor, and your guide. He will never let you do any stupid acts without him!! 14. If he is an artist, maybe he could sing to you, draw you a portrait, or even write you a poem that will forever be engraved in your heart. 15. Last but not least, you’ll always remain best friends because he already knows too much.

Having a guy best friend is like having an un-biological brother who will always be there for you and help you do whatever the hell pops into your crazy mind. Source: Ayat AbouElEla


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