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Social Media Reacts To 'Ewe Verses' In Badu Nkansah's Publication For School Children

Think News Online

Some scores of social media users have reacted to the ongoing 'Ewe Verses' brouhaha which has been published in Badu Nkansah's books for school children in the country.

In a series of tweets sighted by Think News Online, most social media users expressed their disappointment in Badu Nkansah Publications saying it was biased in its publication.

The Member of Parliament for South Dayi Constituency, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor, Esq. MP. @etsedafeamekpor tweeted "Meet Mr. Badu Nkansah. The man who wrote the Satanic Verses on Ewes in Ghana for school children to read and study"

Dzifa GUNU @DzifaGUNU said "This is depressing, very shameful and dangerous. How can you be teaching kids these things and GES is saying that they have no idea about these? How ?"

CJoey @EvulJoey added "This is misleading and tarnishing the images of Ewes. Is this what our kids will grow to learn?"

Promzy Kingston @JunoirMayonu said "So the so called new syllabus had this shit Ewes deserve some respect"

Edem Agbana @edemagbana tweeted "We are battle ready. We will burn the books. Ewes deserve respect. #EwesDeserveRespect #BurnTheBooks"

Nana Ansah Obofour @NanaAnsahObofou said "If it was an Akan who said dis against any tribe,like by now....."

Efo Dela @Amegaxi tweeted "Actually Ewes do vote for chiefs. Not the whole town voting but they do have a council that votes for eligible people from the royal family. That's actually how it works in a lot of ethnic groups in Ghana"

Below are embed tweets:

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith


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