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“Strategic plan shall serve as a blueprint, evaluative tool against performance of EOCO” - Deputy AG

Deputy Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Diana Asonaba Dapaah says the newly launched five year strategic plan for EOCO shall serve as a blueprint and an evaluative tool against which the overall performance of the Institution shall be measured.


She made these remarks whiles speaking at the official launch of a five year strategic plan for EOCO in Accra.


She said “More importantly, this Strategic Plan shall serve as a blueprint and an evaluative tool against which the overall performance of EOCO shall be measured”


She also noted that the strategic plan will further provide a reliable planning framework for the operations and long term sustainability of the Office.


“The five-year Strategic Plan also recognizes the ever evolving complexities of modern day crimes and emphasizes the need for the adoption of relevant technologies as part of EOCO’s crime-fighting strategies”


“Moreover, it sets out pragmatic steps for the Office to become more responsive to its mandate by improving on its internal processes, investing in the wellbeing of its staff and forging close working partnerships to promote overall operational efficiency”


She reminded EOCO to ensure that the strategic plan is not business as usual.


“That we dedicate passion, time and effort to see to its implementation. Primary responsibility is on all staff of EOCO, from the staff at the security gate to top management to ensure a buy-in of the Strategic Plan with a fidelity to its implementation"

"The new vision of EOCO…to stay ahead of economic and finance crime… is particularly telling. The ever present sophistication in acquisitive crimes requires an even more sophisticated and robust EOCO to stay ahead of the game”


“I am mindful of one of the strategic pillars of EOCO, which is to become a resilient and sustainable institution. To this end, I recommend that EOCO aligns itself with the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 16, to measure its own Strategic Plans against the targets of Goal 16, which I am sure will not be different from the strategic pillars and priorities of EOCO”


“Admittedly, my interest in this process stemmed from my firsthand impressions of EOCO which I formed after my visit to the institution, shortly after my assumption into office as Attorney-General and Minister for Justice"

"I must add that some of the key operational challenges I took note of at the time, have been adequately addressed in the Strategic Plan and it is thus, my hope that, the operationalization of this crucial document would see to the elevation of law enforcement standards in this country”


She commended the Governing Board and Management of EOCO for providing the much-need leadership and direction which has steered the Office in the right direction in the more recent past.


“I also wish to acknowledge the GIZ Governance for Inclusive Development (GoVID), the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) for the immense assistance lent to this process. Indeed, your sustained contributions to the improvement of criminal justice delivery in Ghana cannot be overemphasized”


“I want to acknowledge with sincere gratitude, Mr. Michael Ohene Effah of Lead Afrique International, the consultant engaged by GIZ for his commitment throughout the process leading to the final product”

Executive Director of EOCO, COP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah said "EOCO has over the years, played a crucial role in Ghana’s efforts at combating economic and organised crimes"

She noted that the office recognizes the ever-present need to effectively deal with crimes that are inimical to the economic fortunes of the state.


"To ensure consistency in the Office’s efforts at delivering on its mandate, EOCO sought the assistance of GIZ’s Governance for Inclusive Development Programme, co-funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) for the development of a five-year strategic Plan for the Office"


"Thankfully, GIZ accepted to provide the needed funding and technical support for the exercise and this led to the engagement of an astute consultant who played a major role in crafting what we have today as the five-year Strategic Plan for EOCO"


Explaining further, she added that, the process of developing the strategic plan has been a painstaking one which has involved several consultations with its internal and external stakeholders.

"It is thus expected that this all-embracing document would provide the needed guidance to ensure the production of consistent and sustainable results for the Office"


"Overall, the Strategic Plan, is expected to bring some significant improvements to the internal processes of EOCO. It also provides for a rejuvenated mission and vision statement which succinctly aids the communication of a clear direction for the Office, over the course of the next five years"

"Moreover, it sets out pragmatic steps for the Office to become more responsive to its mandate through the implementation of a robust asset recovery and management regime, the use of modern technology, the development of adequate human capital as well as the fostering of relevant partnerships. Undoubtedly, this new Strategic Plan represents a paradigm shift for EOCO"


COP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo-Danquah expressed EOCO's deepest appreciation to GIZ’s Governance for Inclusive Development (GovID) programme Development, co-funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) for finding it worthwhile to agree to walk this path with EOCO and for committing resources to such very important undertaking.


"To the Governing Board, Management and Heads of Units of EOCO, your unalloyed support for this process is highly appreciated. To the representatives from Ghana Police Service, Narcotics Control Commission, Office of the Special Prosecutor, Financial Intelligence Centre, Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice, Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Justice, and Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition as well as members of the Strategic Plan Working Group, we owe a ton of gratitude"


"A special thank you also goes to Mr. Sampson Kwakwa, the GIZ Technical Advisor for his support and valuable inputs during the development of the strategic plan. Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Michael Ohene-Effah, the lead Consultant for bringing this Strategic Plan to life"

Some high-profiled personalities who graced the occasion shared some solidarity messages with EOCO.

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith



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