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Two New Viruses, Ebola And Marburg Hits West Africa, GHS Raises Alert (Video+Pics)

Think News Online

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has assured that measures have been executed to get the country ready following the Ebola and Marburg viruses outbreak in neighbouring countries.

This comes after Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana’s closest country on the west, confirmed an Ebola virus case on Saturday, August 14.

On Monday, August 9, Guinea confirmed the Marburg virus, thereby becoming the first West African country to record the disease.

However, Director-General of the Service, Dr Patrick Kuma-Abogye, at a press briefing on Sunday, there is no cause for alarm.

According to him, correspondence has been sent to all regional and district health directorates across the country to include Marburg and Ebola in the preparedness and response activities.

“Generally, Ghana’s epidemic preparedness and response system has been in action since the onset of Covid-19 and are the same structures for response to any cases of Ebola or Marburg.

“Ghana has the capacity to diagnose both disease conditions,” he told the media.

Dr Kuma-Aboagye noted that although land borders remain closed, surveillance will be strengthened, particularly the Western border, to foil illegal entry into the country.

Just like Covid-19, the Director-General said the mode of transmission for both Ebola and Marburg viruses is by direct contact with blood or other body fluids of an infected person who has symptoms or recently died from the disease.

He advised the citizenry to strictly adhere to the safety protocols, including regular hand washing, physical distancing, wearing of face masks, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue.

Below are videos and pictures:

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith


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