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"We'll Shoot And Kill Whoever Attempts Any Stealing On This Facility"- Okaikwei North MCE To Thieves

Think News Online

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of the Okaikwei North Municipal Assembly, Boye Laryea has stated emphatically that he will order the police to shoot and kill anyone who attempts to steal items at the newly commissioned ICT/ Library facility at the Fadama Cluster of schools in Accra.

According to him, the Municipal Assembly together with the police will not spare anybody found culpable for such kind of attitude.

Speaking at the commissioning of an Ultramodern ICT and Library Facility at the Fadama Cluster of schools in Accra, he said "The thieves around who came to steal the Air-condition that we fixed, let me sound a warning to them that they are not going to have a free day any longer and I am going to tell the police, to put their eyes closely on this facility. I can tell you that we are not going to spare anybody that we find culpable for this kind of attitude"

He added that if such behaviors are not stopped, the worse will happen.

"I will give orders and we will shoot and kill whoever will attempt any stealing on this facility"

He stressed that Ghanaians have time to develop their country thus the vision of the President in his quest for quality education.

"Therefore as MCE for the Municipality, I am not going to sit down unconcerned to certain unscrupulous people who don't want development in this Municipality," he said.

He charged the residents to be watchmen and ensure that the facility serves its intended purpose for the community, school, and teachers.

The MCE also said "Let me say that, this assembly has brought a significant development since it stood alone"

"I am also happy to announce to you that there are so much that we want to offer in this municipality and one of the things is what we are seeing today"

He stressed that the newly commissioned ICT and Library Centre will help in making teaching and learning at Fadama Cluster of schools and its environments conducive.

He thanked the teachers, children likewise the chiefs for their support.

On her part, the Director of Education, Okaikwei North Municipal Assembly, Madam Cynthia Aboni said "Indeed information and communication technology (ICT) is moving the world and has become an essential tool in our everyday activities. ICT education is a policy in Ghana Education Service which was implemented in the year, 2007 as the state recognized the need for every student from basic to the tertiary level to acquire some basic knowledge and the use of these technologies which are speedily becoming part of our daily lives"

She stressed that some of the objectives of the ICT policies were to ensure that ICT Literacy and skills from basic to tertiary level of education and to provide guidelines to integrating ICT tools at all levels of education as well as a means of standardizing ICT resources for all schools.

She mentioned that it will also promote the learning of ICT for school academics at all levels.

"We are happy to say that today, as we commission this facility, I wish to assure all of us that it will be put in good use"

Madam Aboni on behalf of the children, teachers, and stakeholders expressed their appreciation to the Municipal Assembly.

"In this covid period, we have received PPEs and furniture you have used to equip some of the classrooms on this compound"

The Director of Education appealed to the Assembly to use its good office to ensure that some of the challenges they are having are dealt with.

She cited the playing of football on the compound by footballers adding that it disturbs teaching and learning.

"We are of the firm belief that the Assembly will expedite action on the completion our Millennium building and all other structures to enable learners to have a conducive atmosphere for learning"

Below are some pictures:

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith


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